Item PAN05
This Item was Sold on 19 January
2015 for $54
Similar artifacts for sale are often found on the Panama
Railroad Collectibles web page.
Historical Pricing information for this item and similar artifacts
can be found at: Historical Artifact
This clock was made in the 1970s out of slabs of vintage
Panama Railroad ties and Panama coins, The manufacturer was
a man named Earl Hataway, a Panama Canal employee who lived
in Gamboa and worked in the Supply Division. The base slab
is one inch thick. The face slab is a little less than 1/2
inch thick. Eight 1975 2.5 centavos coins are glued to the
face of the clock between the Roman Numerals III, VI, IX and
XII. The clock mechanism is a powered by a C cell battery
and there is a second hand. My mother sent me this clock for
Christmas in 1980. I used the clock for a couple of years
and then packed it away during a move and only found the
clock recently. I put a C cell in the back and set the time.
The clock worked just fine. A wonderful railroad collectible
from the old Panama Canal Zone.