Free Stuff from
updated on 13 July 2012
Catalog Home | How to Order | contact: Ted Bailey

Rules for Free Items: This web page is a listing of the free items in this catalog. You can download as many items as you want for free. You can choose to recieve one CD and one other item in your package. I will only include a free item if it does not increase the shipping cost of your package. If there is an increase in the shipping cost, you can pay an additional shipping charge for the free item(s) Just let me know at the time of your order if you want any of the free items listed below.

Boom Info CDs
Price: Free ; Availability: 1 CD with each order

I will include a free CD in each package that includes a returning boomerang. The first CD (first order) will include a valuable mix of boomerang related literature in pdf format. You can sample some of the files on the first disk by downloading the boom info sample download. The second CD (second order) will include photos of boomerangs, boomerang throwers, products and related material. The third CD (third order) will include a large selection of boomerang video in mpg and wmv formats. After you have recieved the first 3 CDs, I will include a different CD or DVD with each order. Just tell what what geographic region or topic you want and I will try to match you with a custom made disk full of great video. For more information about these free CDs, see the boomerang software web page.

Day-Glow Stickers to improve visibility of your boomerangs
Price: Free ; Availability: Lots of different sizes and colors

These Day-Glow Stickers are made out of paper and are mounted on a peel off sheet . They come in various sizes, shapes and colors. You can cut them to shape, fold them to make flaps or just put them on the surface of those dark colored boomerangs to make them more visible in flight. These are perfect for use on triFlys and proFlys. All you have to do is ask and I will include some with your order.

Fortune Circle X Stick & Flaired V Set of 2 models
Price: 1 set of two free with each order

The Fortune Circle "X Stick" is a small plastic four bladed cross stick with a range of about 10 metres. Give it moderate power and lots of spin. The two bladed model is the "Flaired V" (bend the entire boomerang flat before throwing). Colors are Red & Yellow. Best for use in a gymnasium or outdoors.
Span = 19 cm ; Weight = 7 gm (each) ; Range = 5-10 metres ; Age = 10+ ; Power = 5/10 ; Difficulty = 4/10 ; Right Handed Only

Replica Aircraft of Bulgaria by Georgi Dimantchev
Price: Free ; Availability: 9

Everyone knows Georgi Dimantchev as a boomerang designer and manufacturer. He is also a top designer of light weight aircraft in Bulgaria. This 38 page soft cover booklet has information about the construction of several vintage light weight aircraft, beginning with the German Albatros from 1911. This book was written in Bulgarian (similar to Russian). Lots of illustration in B&W and color photos. Free if you also order a boomerang by Georgi Dimantchev at the same time that you request a copy of this book.

An Introduction to Boomerangs by John Mauro
Price: Free - download here

This charming booklet was written by John Mauro to give novice throwers an understanding of basic boomerang science and an introduction to competition events, as they were in the 1980s. This booklet has details about a science experiment that John did to determine the effects that varying the angle between the blades would have on the flight of the boomerang. A student can copy this experiment and make a really good science project. John Mauro's wife Dorothy gave me the rights to make and distribute an electronic edition of this book. The electronic edition of this book cannot be sold. It can only be distributed as a free download through the flight-toys website or on the CD that is provided free with your first order.

The Boomerang Book by Michael Hanson
Price: Free - download here

This charming booklet is the first boomerang book that I purchased as a newbie thrower in the early 1970s. Written by a wonderful friend and school teacher in Scotland. Loaded with history and instructions about how to make and throw boomerangs. Easy to understand and full of great illustrations. Michael (and the illustrator) gave me the rights to distribute an electronic version of this booklet. It can only be distributed as a free download through the flight-toys website or on the CD that is provided free with your first order.

Boomerangs by Herb Smith
Price: Free - download here

This wonderful booklet is an introduction into the history of boomerangs and a summary of Herb Smith's early development effort in the world of boomerangs, including his world record long distance boomerang throw using a traditional boomerang. Herb's widow, Anim, gave me the rights to distribute an electronic version of this booklet. It can only be distributed as a free download through the flight-toys website or on the CD that is provided free with your first order.

More Free Downloads (pdf format)
Frank Donnellan Booklet (1940s)
Boomerang Bibliography
Boomerang Patents
Boomerang Basic Computer Program (zip format)

Catalog Home | Book Store | How to Order | contact: Ted Bailey