Item VB66
This Item was Sold on 20 April 2013 for $176
Historical Pricing information for this item and similar collectable boomerangs can be found on the Boomerang Pricing Guide
This special edition Geronimo Hook was carved out of Carbon sheet. There is a single lead weight in each tip. Volker did the test throwing on this one and he wrote his notes on the underside: Tilt = 40 degrees ; wind = 70 degrees ; range = 90 metres. It is signed, dated 2011 and numbered 1/2. New condition. An advanced boomerang that requires advanced throwing skills.
Volker Behrens was a well known commercial manufacturer of sporting and competition boomerang products. Volker was also a competitor and a member of the German International Boomerang Team. Volker was a pioneer in the development of long distance boomerangs and he demonstrated throws of 150 metres in the 1980s with his popular Challenger III Paxolin Hook. Volker made the last of his boomerang products in 2011 and he died in June, 2012. His boomerangs have become great collectibles because they are considered to be comparable to boomerangs made by Herb Smith. |