Endurance / Fast Catch Vee by Ted Bailey

Item TB529  

This Item was Sold on 11 February 2025 for $89

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I developed a lot of technology for competition in the mid 1980s. This boomerang was developed to be a safe Fast Catch boomerang. It was a little slower than the best models, but it was very safe. I would do a safe round with this model and then switch to a less safe model to seek a faster time. I found this model was one of the best boomerangs in my throw kit for the Endurance event. In 1987, we had a rating system for all competition events. I had the highest rating in Endurance in the USA using this model. It was also my favorite model to use for Super Catch ( throw a MTA up and then do a round of 5 underneath and then catch the MTA). This was one of the best of this model that I ever made and I retired it and used it as a master. It was made out of 6.5 mm Baltic Birch plywood and I did a lot of work on the cambered under surface to enhance the flight. This one has a flight range of 22 metres and I could easily do a safe Fast Catch round in 22-24 seconds. It remains in excellent condition.

Specifications: Right Handed ; Tip-to-tip Span = 28 cm ; Weight = 51 gm

Ted Bailey is a retired Aerospace Engineer who has been making and throwing boomerangs since the early 1970s. The first boomerangs he marketed were multibladers sold on the C.S.U. Sacramento campus in the early 1970s. In the late 1970s, Ted sold traditional boomerangs at the West Palm Beach Mall. In the early 1980s, Ted moved to Ohio and started throwing in Ohio tournaments He developed a line of miniature boomerangs that performed well in competition. In the 1980s, new products included lap joint boomerangs made out of exotic woods and high performance competition boomerangs, especially Fast Catch and MTA. Ted was active in the USBA and served as Secretary, President and as a board member in the 1980s. He was the editor of the USBA newsletter, Many Happy Returns, for two decades and also produced two independent publications: Boomerang Journal and Boomerang News. Ted taught Flying Toy classes in several schools located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Currently, Ted is retired and involved in internet marketing of boomerang products.

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