Egyptian Throw Stick Replica by Jacques Thomas

Item N91   

This Item was Sold on 7 June 2021 for $270

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When King Tut's tomb was opened by Howard Carter in 1922, a large box full of boomerangs was discovered. Most of these were non-returning hunting sticks used for waterfowl, but there were also a few smaller models that were capable of a return flight. The collection of boomerangs is housed in the National Museum in Cairo. Jacques Thomas spent more than a year carefully studying the collection of King Tut's boomerangs. Jacques wrote a book titled " The boomerangs of a Pharaoh " in 1991. The book is available in both English and French. This is a must read text. Jacques published plans for some of the boomerangs and he describes the flight characteristics of one of the returners.

This hunting boomerang is one of the larger replicas that Jacques made. This natural elbow is fantastic. One end is full of burls and it might be Olive wood. The curved end has gold paint mimicking a gold cap. There is also Egyptian hieroglyphics near the gold tip. This boomerang was made by Jacques Thomas and it is a valuable complement to his book. A very unique collectible by this famous boomerang thrower.

Specifications: Right Handed ; Tip-to-tip Span = 52 cm ; Weight = 156 gm

Jacques Thomas was a thrower and promoter of boomerangs in France for decades. Jacques only considered traditional shaped boomerangs to be true boomerangs. Everything else was characterized as a toy. Jacques was the founder of the organization: La Perouse Boomerang de France. Ls Perouse was a French explorer who discovered Australia two weeks after Captain Cook. Jacques felt that Australia should have been a French colony and that was the theme of the club. The members celebrated boomerangs in a lavish style. Jacques threw a small indoor boomerang in a jet flying over the international date line so he could say he caught the boomerang the day before he threw it. He also threw an indoor boomerang in the Concorde so that he could say he threw a boomerang faster than the speed of sound. Jacques had a French Astronaut throw an indoor boomerang at the International Space Station. He also chartered a sail boat to trace the route taken by La Perouse on the 200th Anniversary of La Perouse's famous voyage. Jacques also started a small museum dedicated to boomerangs and when that museum closed, he made an effort to guild a much larger and more dynamic museum in France and then in the USA. This effort was never finished before his death. Jacques also authored several books about boomerangs. He spent a year in Cairo studying the boomerangs found in the tomb of King Tut. The results were published in both French and English soft covered texts. All that I know about Jacques earlier life was that he was a helicopter pilot when the French were involved in their version of the Vietnam war. His helicopter was shot down and he was severely wounded, so Jacques is a war hero as well as other things. Clearly, he was one of boomerang's most colorful personalities.

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