Egyptian Hunting Boomerang Natural Elbow Replica by Jacques Thomas

Item N90     

This Item was Sold on 4 May 2018 for $200

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When King Tut's tomb was opened by Howard Carter in 1922, a large box full of boomerangs was discovered. Most of these were non-returning hunting sticks used for waterfowl, but there were also several smaller models that were capable of a return flight. The collection of boomerangs is housed in the National Museum in Cairo. Jacques Thomas spent more than a year carefully studying the collection of King Tut boomerangs. Jacques wrote a book titled " The boomerangs of a Pharaoh " in 1991. The book is available in both English and French. This is a must read text. Jacques published plans for some of the boomerangs and he describes the flight characteristics of one of the returners. This item is a pair of Egyptian Boomerang replicas. One is a natural elbow that is a precise copy of the original Egyptian boomerang. The second is a plywood copy that was used to determine the flight characteristics. Both of these boomerangs were made by Jacques Thomas and are a valuable complement to the text. I only have this single set, The natural elbow is in mint condition. The plywood copy has a rough edge on the end of the longer arm. Very nice and a unique collectible.

Specifications: Natural Elbow ; Tip-to-tip Span = 37 cm ; Weight = 92 gm

Specifications: Plywood ; Tip-to-tip Span = 37 cm ; Weight = 60 gm

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