Item BG60
This Item was Sold on 27 December
2011 for $490
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Collectable Boomerangs link.
Historical Pricing information for this item and similar collectable boomerangs can be found on the Boomerang Pricing Guide
Bob Letson was a well known competition thrower in the 1980s. He surprised everyone by using a very odd looking "Tennis Racket" boomerang in competition. The tennis racket boom not only worked well, but they had an odd straight-out-and-almost-straight-back flight with a very small turning radius at the point of maximum range. Bob made very few of these tennis racket boomerangs for others. They are rarely offered for sale and are only found in a few older collections. The tennis racket boomerangs usually come stringed and they look like they are ready to use in a game of tennis. They will work with the strings, but only in stronger winds. In light to moderate winds, you need to cut the strings off for best performance. It is a pain to restring these, so most collectors don't throw thesse and leave the strings on. This item is the best of the best - a double arch model in almost new condition, signed and inscripted by Bob Letson with "Boomerang Tennis Racket, Handcrafted Nov. '88 by Bob Letson This boomerang was thrown in demonstration at the Great Australian Barbecue party in Del Mar, CA November 26-27, 1988. Range Å 50 yards". This tennis racket boom also comes with a collectable Wimbledon carrying case. |