Item BG44
This Item was Sold on 21 April 2011 for $125
Historical Pricing information for this item and similar collectable boomerangs can be found on the Boomerang Pricing Guide
Bluey Williams was one of Australia's top competitors back in the 1960s and 1970s. He often placed well in competition and even won the World Championships at Swan Hill in the 1970s using a similar boomerang. This boomerang is very characteristic of most of Bluey's boomerangs, made out of Coachwood and with a metal kangaroo glued to the elbow surface. The tips are lobed and thicker than the rest of the boomerang indicating that there is probably lead foil under the heavy white paint. I did throw this one and it flies great with a range of 40+ metres. It does take a hard throw, as expected. There is a hint of surface ply stress cracking on the lower surface, but no structural cracks that would precipitate breakage under normal throwing conditions. These are very rare and belong in the best collections. |