Strip Laminated Gerhards Style Small Hook by Pat Steigman

Item TB436     

This Item was Sold on 14 August 2018 for $75

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This strip laminated hook is a replica of a small hook designed and manufactured by Al Gerhards in the 1970s. Al only made 3 of the small hooks. I acquired one and loaned it to John Cryderman. John made a replica blank out of thin strips of Oak. The blank was purchased by Pat Steigman and he made this hook in 1998. It is in slightly used condition and it is a very nice flyer with a flight range of 45-50 metres. I am nmaking this claim because I tested it just before listing it and I was very pleased with the ease of throw and flight performance. It is signed and dated 1998 and marked as a Cryderman blank. The surfaces are very smooth and there is a coaring of Polyurethane or oil on the surface. Very nice. It flies better than the original made by al Gerhards!

Specifications: Right Handed ; Tip-to-tip Span = 31 cm ; Weight = 58 gm

Pat Steigman is a well known boomerang craftsman from Tyler Texas. He has been making quality hardwood boomerangs for many years. His models are in hgih demand and they are generally good flyers.

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