Item AC03
This Item was Sold on 1 September 2008 for $100
Historical Pricing information for this and similar collectable boomerangs can be found on the Boomerang Pricing Guide
John Cryderman (from Chatham, Canada) is well known for making high quality strip laminated and Birch plywood boomerangs. Many of these models are John's original designs. However, he occasionally makes replicas of boomerangs made by other famous boom makers, such as strip laminated hooks and omegas by Al Gerhards of Downington, Pennsylvania or Herb Smith traditionals. John usually makes his strip laminated boomerangs out of native Canadian hardwoods, but he sometimes uses exotic woods, such as Mahogany and Ebony. Some of the plywood and strip laminated boomerangs are decorated with inlaid plugs of exotic woods arranged in pseudo-floral patterns. The vast majority of John's boomerangs are large in size and they require a strong thrower in order for the boomerangs to make a full return. This large omega was made out of strips of White Oak and Cherry. This is one of John's earliest strip laminated boomerangs. It is signed and dated 1995. It also has #4 written on the underside. This omega is impressive. It is large in size, but not too heavy to throw. It is in excellent condition, but there is one lamination near the lift arm tip at the leading edge that has a gap. This is not a delamination, but instead is a lack of glue. It is recommended that this gap be filled in with epoxy if it is to be used for throwing. |