The Michigan Atlatl Association (MAA) was formed to educate the public about the atlatl. We gather several times a year to share our knowledge of the atlatl and to hold informal competitions. A newsletter, The Cast, is produced regularly. It has an events calendar, information about competition results, hunting trips and highlights our membership's experiences with making and using atlatls. Please email Jim Gilligan with your questions.
The new webite for the Michigan Atlatl Association is:
The Michigan Atlatl Association has no officers or directors. This is a member driven non profit organization that charges no dues. All we require of our members is active participation including but not limited to: Sending an article and/or photo for the newsletter. Helping plan, set up or hosting a tournament. Making a presentation to a scout troop or other organization. To inquire about becoming a member and to receive a copy of the newsletter send a SASE to:
Michigan Atlatl Association
7273 Hamburg Rd.
Brighton, MI 48116
If you would like to make a donation to the MAA make checks payable to the Michigan Atlatl Association
To make a submission to our newsletter, e-mail newsletter editor Chris Oberg.

Find out more about Calendar of Events | MAA Events | Throwers | Manufacturers

Jim Gilligan, MAA member, casts a dart with an atlatl.
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The webmaster for this page is: Ted Bailey